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Article: Neurolens | A Novel Treatment for Migraines, Headaches, Post-Concussion Syndrome & Digital Eye Strain

Neurolens | A Novel Treatment for Migraines, Headaches, Post-Concussion Syndrome & Digital Eye Strain

Headaches & Digital Eyestrain is becoming common issue due to our increased screen time. Sometimes studies show that up to 70% of people experience symptoms of digital eye strain at least once per week. Yet only 20% of these patients recognize these symptoms as vision related and discuss them with their eye doctor.  Symptoms of digital eye strain include headaches, eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, dry eyes, light sensitivity etc. Does any of this sound familiar? Then we have another solution for you to consider.  


Kalamalka Eye Care is featuring Neurolens – a technological breakthrough to address headaches and digital eye strain. These lenses incorporate specialized technology to measure and correct any misalignment of the eyes using dynamic prism. Prism essentially helps coordinate the eyes so they can work better as a team.  By shifting the images so that they eyes can work better as a team the wearer will often experience clearer vision and reduced strain.


Studies have shown that an increase in reading speed is already realized after 30 minutes of Neurolenses wear and was more significant at 7 days and maintained beyond 7 days. Although there was an increase seen in reading speed with control lens wear, the effect with Neurolens wear was almost double over all the study visits from 30 minutes to 35 days.


Data from the recently published double-masked, randomized Headache Study showed that Neurolenses provide a statistically significant improvement in headache symptoms.  This reduction in migraine symptoms is similar to some commonly prescribed migraine medications.



Neurolens can also be especially helpful at alleviating symptoms related to post-concussion syndrome.  One of the common eye symptoms after a concussion is called convergence insufficiency – in other words patient difficulty looking at near objects for a sustained period of time without significant headache, strain and even double vision. Patients will often tell their Optometrist or Medical Doctor that they have difficulty visually tracking objects, and that reading is often very uncomfortable and sometimes they can even experience significant headaches and double vision, not to mention fatigue. These symptoms are in part caused by an inability to coordinate the two eyes as a team.  Historically, an Optometrist would prescribe special tints and vision exercises known as vision therapy to help address these symptoms.  Dr. Udenberg would also consider these treatment modalities to address symptoms especially if related to a concussion. However, Neurolens stands alone because the technology incorporates something called dynamic prism. In short, dynamic prism corrects the position of the eyes for what misalignment is measured at any and all distances of gaze. In the past, your eye doctor could prescribe multiple pairs of glasses with different amounts of “static” prism.  Neurolens gives the patient the exact amount of prism they need for every distance of gaze. For example, a patient may have a very slight misalignment looking far away, but a very large misalignment when looking up closely. Another patient may have larger misalignment at both far and near – Neurolens would incorporate different amounts of prism (dynamic prism) in different areas of the lens to optimize eye alignment when looking at all distances. There are no other lens modalities available that use this technology.


Some of Dr. Udenberg’s colleagues have incorporated Neurolens into their practices and have seen some amazing results. Of course, this technology will not work for everybody and there are warranty and exchange options available should that be the case.  We are just thrilled to have another option for patients that struggle with these symptoms.


Currently, Kalamalka Eye Care is the only office offering Neurolens in the North Okanagan.

We include a Neurolens assessment as part of our routine eye exams at no additional charge. Even if patients do not need a Neurolens, it can be very helpful in providing precise measurements of the eye muscles for your Optometrist to review and monitor as part of complete eye examination.


Are you having any symptoms of Digital Eye Strain? Take the Neurolens test and contact us today:



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